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Known throughout our local communities for the highest standards of compassionate care

When you place your trust in Robert Samson you can expect the highest standards of professionalism, and a truly distinct service. The role of your local funeral director is to ease the stress and burden of decision-making, to listen carefully so that we may offer you expert guidance and provide you with a single point of contact who is always on hand to ease any worries or uncertainty with compassion and practical help.

Profile picture of Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson

Funeral Director

Profile picture of Tommy Greig

Tommy Greig

Funeral Director

Profile picture of Stephen Mill

Stephen Mill

Funeral Director

Profile picture of Rod Howie

Rod Howie

Funeral Operative

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How to choose a memorial

Memorials are the lasting tribute we can leave for generations to come. In five simple steps, we explore how to choose the perfect stone memorial. Choose a location Memorial stones or markers are typically erected in graveyards and cemeteries to indicate a grave but...

Give us your wishes. We’ll give you our promise.

In our experience, the best funerals are those where everyone looks back with peace of mind that they got it “just right”; that the tone, style and format was to the deceased’s preference.  Those we find tough to arrange are the funerals where families have no idea...


Robert Samson is proud to be part of the dedicated team who have cared for our late Queen with dignity since her sad passing. Rehearsals for the procession from Balmoral to Edinburgh have taken place regularly over many years, with every detail considered. For Robert...