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June 21st 2019 marks the UK’s longest day and shortest night as sunlight hours are at a peak.
In our experience, longer and sunnier days mean woodland burials are more popular at this time of year with nature in full bloom. If you’d like advice on an eco-funeral, a woodland burial or a natural send-off, here’s a list of local sites in and around Lothian.
  • Binning Memorial Woodland, Tyninghame, East Lothian
  • Rosewell Cemetery (including Cockpen Cemetery), Midlothian
  • Hundy Mundy Wood, Kelso, Scottish Borders
  • Shawfield Woodland Burial, Selkirk, Scottish Borders
  • Cowdenbeath Cemetery, Cowdenbeath, Fife
These are usually allocated at time-of-need but the important thing is your loved ones know this is your preference. So, download our free Plan of Wishes to note down some of your choices today.